1. Best Undergraduate Student Recruitment CampaigN
Anglia Ruskin University ARU Undergraduate campaign. Feb 2020 to Jan 2021 Anglia Ruskin University ARU Nursing Recruitment Edinburgh Napier University Nurses Make a Difference Hartpury University #ComingtoHartpury2020 Kingston University Best Undergraduate Student Recruitment Campaign 2021 Leeds Beckett University Easing Our Applicants' Transition To Uni Queen Mary University of London QMUL 2020 The University of Law Real World Questions Undergraduate Student Recruitment Campaign University of Chester / Net Natives Let's Get September Sorted University of East London Be The Change University of Surrey University of Surrey, Clearing 2020 University of Wolverhampton University of Wolverhampton: We Back You, Clearing through a pandemic
2. Best Postgraduate Student Recruitment Campaign
Staffordshire University It's Time for Postgraduate Ulster University #webuildcareers PG campaign University of Stirling A Global Vision
3. Best International Student Recruitment Campaign
Aston University Your Time to Get Ahead Kaplan International Pathways Dreams to Reality Leeds Beckett University #BeckettGlobal Queen Mary University of London - Malta Campus Malta Recruitment 2020 Queen's University Belfast Campus Commitments Swansea University January Entry Campaign
4. Best Use of Content, Social or Digital
Anglia Ruskin University #ARUinLove BIMM Institute Music Made Us Coventry University Coventry Online Degree Show 2020 Leeds Beckett University Driving Application Growth Through Support and Engaging Content Loughborough University Class of 2020 Swansea University Come Find Space @SwanseaUni Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance #SelfIsolationCreation University of Derby Derby on Demand University of Dundee Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and Architecture Graduate Showcase University of Gloucestershire Who Cares? We Do. University of Salford #BecomingUnstoppable - TikTok Campaign University of Southampton Meet The Russell Group University of Surrey Dear Class of 2021 UWE Bristol Alexa's first university prospectus
5. Best Brand/Reputation Campaign
Anglia Ruskin University Best Brand/Reputation Campaign BIMM Institute Music Made Us Birkbeck University of London Brand Campaign #problemsolved Nottingham Trent University NTU, Re-imagined Queen's University Belfast Amplifying Academic Excellence Ulster University Study in Northern Ireland University of East Anglia #ClimateofChange University of East London Never Not Pushing Forward University of London Make Yourself at Home University of Reading UoRWay
6. Best Open Day Experience
Hartpury University Virtual undergraduate open events Leeds Beckett University Online Open Days Loughborough University Welcome to our Virtual Open Day Queen's University Belfast UG Virtual Open Days Festival Swansea University Virtual Open Days Ulster University Virtual Applicant Day University of Derby Open Day Live University of East Anglia Visit UEA University of Portsmouth Virtual Open Day University of Reading Virtual Open Day University of Sunderland University of Sunderland Online Open Days University of Surrey #AlwaysOpenDay
7. Best Widening Participation Initiative
Leeds Beckett University Junior Leadership Scheme Middlesex University Success Camps Robert Gordon University MD20 Clearing Campaign The University of Law Diversity Matters University of Dundee Online innovation to widen participation in a pandemic year University of East Anglia Ever Wondered
8. Best Use of Data and Insight
Anglia Ruskin University ARU Student Segmentation Project University of Reading The impact of data and insight University of Aberdeen Horizon Scanning University of Surrey We CAN - Student Research Panel
9. Best Community/Business Engagement Campaign or Initiative
Arts University Bournemouth AUB Human - Pollution Pods Kaplan International Pathways Kaplan Global Conference Middlesex University COVID-19 response Swansea University Rewarding our students in partnership with Santander Universities University of Portsmouth University of Portsmouth Bangladesh Engagement
10. Best Alumni Initiative
Leeds Beckett University Beckett Connect Class of 2020 Entry London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine LSHTM Alumni Volunteer Hub Staffordshire University Globally connected alumni community Swansea University Homecoming from Home University of East London Now & Then University of East Anglia 20 in 20 University of Greenwich Alumni Showcase
11. Best Student Engagement Campaign or Initiative
Aston University Transforming Student Communications Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh Napier 2020 Graduations Leeds Beckett University Keeping Students Safe, Informed and Engaged During the Pandemic UCLan Students' Union Re-imagining Freshers Campaign University of Bath Academic Year 20/21 Communications Campaign University of East Anglia Snowflakes University of Greenwich Wellbeing Checks University of Plymouth and Plymouth College of Art Ignite Futures digital platform University of Reading Be a Mate University of Wolverhampton Light the Way Campaign
12. Best Undergraduate Prospectus
City, University of London Manchester Metropolitan University SOAS University of London University of East London University of Gloucestershire University of Salford University of Surrey
13. Best Postgraduate or Specialist Institution Prospectus
Arts University Bournemouth LIPA SOAS University of London University of Derby University of East London UWE Bristol
14. Best Low Budget Initiative (under £15k)
Arts University Bournemouth Great things are afoot Aston University 'New Student' Magazine Leeds Beckett University Carnegie School of Sport Launch - opening a building in the pandemic Swansea University English Language Videos for the Chinese Market University of Chester The Kitchen Sessions University of East Anglia Snowflakes University of East London Clearing automation University of Salford #BecomingUnstoppable - TikTok Campaign University of Stirling Being the Difference -Together Apart University of Suffolk 'I Wonder Wednesdays'
15. Best Website
Arts University Bournemouth Leeds Trinity University Plymouth Marjon University Staffordshire University The University of Law University of East Anglia
16. Best PR/Communications Campaign or Initiative
Keele University We Are Together Campaign Leeds Beckett University Leeds Beckett Clearing 2020 Loughborough University Train at Home University of Hull Clearing 2020: A-level Results Day at the University of Hull University of Leicester Research Reputation Campaign University of Reading Demonstrating research strengths through a pandemic
17. Rising Star Award
Ana Sheppard University of East London Charlotte MacKay Arts University Bournemouth Dale Branton University of Plymouth Emily Oakden Nottingham Trent University Lauren Burgess University of East Anglia Matthew Shevlin Leeds Beckett University Megan Beaudry Robert Gordon University Teryl Brouillette Swansea University Unai Ledesma Oxford Business College
18. Marketing Team of the Year
Arts University Bournemouth Barton Peveril Sixth Form College Birkbeck University of London Exeter College Kingston University Royal Veterinary College Swansea University University of East London University of Suffolk
Congratulations to all institutions and individuals that have made the #Heist2021 shortlist!